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Bloating and Stress

Bloating and Stress
Bloating and Stress


Can stress cause bloating?

We live in a face past world with many challenges older generations did not even dream of. If your body reacts to stress with bloating, you are not alone. Both men and women experience bloating and flatulence at some point. Our body is a wondrous system, which has the ability to turn food into energy. If during this process too much gas is produced in your gastrointestinal tract, your belly feels swollen and bloated. But what reasons does this have? Can stress be a factor? 

  • Pregnancy, menstrual or menopausal bloating
  • Food sensitivities and intolerances may cause bloating
  • Infant colics
  • Stress may cause bloating
  • Debloating for doctoral appointments (examinations)


How does stress cause bloating?

We lead stressful lives in the modern world, pulling all-nighters on projects, eating late at night after long days at work, or having a few too many after-work drinks. Sometimes we eat standing up at lunchtime in our only free minutes on a hectic day. Or we eat something unhealthy to grab some much-needed energy before an important pitch or meeting. 

Responsibilities at work and at home can be the source of stress, and poor diet can compound difficulties with digestion. Everyone has been there, a chaotic day running around after the little ones, a quick bite in-between housework and childcare, or while a baby has a 15-minute nap, finally allowing some time to eat something. A full, rich home life has so many upsides but can also cause additional stress and irregular mealtimes. Often creating a happy home life for all family members comes first and healthy digestion is not at the forefront of our minds. Regardless of gender, bloating and the fear of uncontrolled flatulence can be a great cause of stress in everyday life.


Anxiety and bloating

Anxiety and bloating

Although diet is certainly a factor, stress in all its forms, whether stress at home or in the workplace, can contribute to a general feeling of anxiety. This in turn can lead to bloating, as is the case for up to 30% of Americans, as many scientific studies have found. As anxiety keeps up the body tends to react on a physical level and might affect the nerves of the digestive system. This can lead to irritable bowel syndrome, for instance.

Other reasons for bloating

Other reasons for bloating

It is normal to develop gases and also to pass flatus. But volume and frequency vary greatly among individuals. Excessive bloating and flatulence can be caused by different things.
Understanding the mechanisms of bloating and gas is complicated. At any time, the average individual has 100–200 cm3 of gas within the GI tract. The volume of gas increases for instance from swallowing air and drinking carbonated beverages. Normally these gases are absorbed into the bloodstream and we breathe them out. Or simply they are excreted through flatus. If this system is disturbed excess gases can be trapped as little bubbles thus making us feel full and bloated.

    Food allergies
    Food allergies

    Finding and avoiding foods and situations that make you feel bloated

    Food allergies and intolerances to certain foods can cause bloating due to the inability to digest certain foods properly. 

    Finding and avoiding foods and situations that make you feel bloated

    Food allergies and intolerances to certain foods can cause bloating due to the inability to digest certain foods properly. 

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    Finding and avoiding foods and situations that make you feel bloated

    Food allergies and intolerances to certain foods can cause bloating due to the inability to digest certain foods properly. 

    Finding and avoiding foods and situations that make you feel bloated

    Food allergies and intolerances to certain foods can cause bloating due to the inability to digest certain foods properly. 


    What to do against bloating caused by stress?

    Studies have shown increased activity aids digestion and helps move along trapped gas. This may be good advice for anyone sitting for long hours at a desk or who otherwise lead a sedentary lifestyle. Even mildly increasing physical activity, while having a number of other health benefits, was shown to help move along gases in the digestive system and prevent trapped wind. 

    If you know the causes of your bloating, the first step is to eliminate those from your everyday life. 

    White Noise App

    The easiest way to play White Noise for your baby is with an app on your phone. Babyschlafsounds offers 16 soothing sounds of noise, nature and music that will help put the baby to sleep. It is even possible to record and play your own noises and add a timer for a daily routine.


    What helps with bloating and flatulence?

    There it is again: You just had lunch and you feel that feeling of fullness  in the stomach again. Here are a few tips and ways to reduce bloating and flatulence: 

    A gentle massage of your abdomen along the path of the large intestines can help to move the gas that is stuck in your bowels.

    Physical activity such as taking a walk around the block can get the bowels moving, which can help to release excess gas. Regular exercise is also proven to help with menstrual bloating.

    Espumisan is a proven and effective remedy against bloating and flatulence. One dose of Espumisan brings quick relief from a wide range of gas-related symptoms, like flatulence or bloating . The acting agent “simethicone” alters the surface tension of gas bubbles accumulated in the gastro-intestinal tract and liberates the gas which can then be absorbed or emitted.



    Physical activity

    Physical activity

    A gentle massage of your abdomen

    A gentle massage of your abdomen

    Helping with Espumisan®

    Espumisan® – Fast relief for bloating!

    Bloating and flatulence are normal. But our modern stressful lifestyles can be very demanding. A stressful job, trying to juggle hobbies, family and social activity can lead to stress as can eating too much fatty and otherwise unhealthy food types. Our digestive system cannot keep up, resulting in an excessive production of gas which can get stuck in our belly and make us feel full and bloated. Discomfort in the stomach and the fear of uncontrolled flatulence itself is a source of stress for many people. 

    Espumisan’s active ingredient Simethicone offers fast and reliable relief. Simethicone is a proven and effective remedy against bloating and flatulence. A single dose of Espumisan´s active substance brings fast relief from a wide range of gas-related symptoms, like flatulence or bloating. 

    Espumisan´s active ingredient Simethicone  alters the elasticity of gas bubbles that are embedded in the food mass in the gastrointestinal tract. As the bubbles are broken up and the gas is liberated this makes it easier for the gas to be taken up by the intestinal wall and removed through belching or passing flatus.

    Espumisan® Easy 125 mg Granules

    Espumisan Granules with 125 mg of Simethicone for effective treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms due to gas.


    Espumisan® - varieties of dosage forms for your need


    Espumisan® 40 mg Capsules

    Provides fast and reliable relief for bloating after big and fatty meals, food sensitivities, stress and menstrual bloating. 


    Espumisan® 100 mg/ml Emulsion

    Easy to swallow Emulsion for managing flatulence related conditions from the first weeks of life.


    Espumisan® 40 mg/ml Emulsion

    Easy to swallow Emulsion with  40 mg of Simethicone.


    Espumisan® Max 140 mg

    Manage flatulence most effectively with the maximized dosage and for the everyday use.